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[Ultimate bot] - Can I open SnapCall in a Webview?
Alessandro Angioni avatar
Written by Alessandro Angioni
Updated over 5 months ago

Yes, you can allow your customers to seamlessly record a media with SnapCall, directly from the window of your chatbot. This allows you to propose a seamless experience t your customers as they won't have to continue the experience in a new tab or different device.

To open a webviev, follow the instructions below:

  • Open your configuration and select the step where you'd like to open the webviev

  • Click on the button 'Add/Edit action' from the right side of the screen, you will be shown a pop up menu with a blue button on the top right side of the screen. Click there to continue.

    You will be asked now to define a few information in a pop up window, you can set them all up as shown below:

    • Set 'Target' as 'Sunshine conversation'

    • 'Action' should be set as 'Add a webview'

    • You will have now the possibility to define some more fields. 'Message text' and 'Button text' can be define as you prefer, as this would allow you to customize the message sent to the customer together with the button to click.

    • 'URI' is the place where you can add the URL to intend to open as a webviev, this is where you can add the link of your Public Page from SnapCall.

    • Define a Fallback so that Ultimate will open that specific URL in case of any issues with the first one provided.

To make sure SnapCall will inject all AI output into the bot, ensure to add the parameter ?conversation_id={{conversation_id}} at the end of the URL. You will have to extract the conversation_id earlier in the flow to make sure this would work.

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