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Overview to Public Pages
Alessandro Angioni avatar
Written by Alessandro Angioni
Updated over a week ago

SnapCall allows your customers to easily send you media and request callback, without the need for one of your agents to share links or interact with them.

This can be easily done with a Public Page, which is basically a webpage that you can customize on your Dashboard and share with your clients by installing its link on a button of your website, or sending it via email, SMS, Whatsapp or other channel.

When your customers click on the link of your Public Page, they will be redirected into a page like the one shown above, where they will be given a few options to interact with your organization and a few information on the top and bottom side of the screen.

When a client click on any of the actions shown on your Public Page, they will be first required to provide their email address and only then SnapCall will create a stream. This allows them to send files or plan the videocall, according to the action selected by them.

The media or the video call scheduled will be available on the Dashboard of the user or Team connected to that action, as any admin can decided which user will handle the generated streams.

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