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How to Create a New SnapCall Flow?
Hamza Abaelgarch avatar
Written by Hamza Abaelgarch
Updated over a week ago
  1. Access the Flows Section: Locate the APP & Tools section within your workspace's left menu and navigate to it.

  2. Initiate Flow Creation: Once in the APP & Tools section, select the Flows tab. On the right side of the page, click the blue "⨁ New" button.

  1. Configure Your Flow: A dedicated page will open for flow configuration. Here you can:

    • Upload an image (JPG, PNG, or GIF), this will be the picture that customers will see when they open Clip.

    • Define a title and description/instruction: here you can share key information to the customers that they need to keep into account while recording their media.

    • Choose the type of media to capture: video, screenshots, voice messages, or screen recordings. For example, if you want to receive a picture of a product serial number, you can only allow customers to make snapshots.

  2. Enable AI Features (Optional): The AI Skills section allows you to activate various AI functionalities to enhance your flow:

    • Transcript: Convert audio recordings into text format. If this is activated, you will also have the possibility to generate summaries, propose articles to agents or suggest answers.

    • Summary: Generate summaries of recordings, incorporating your company's specific terminology, for improved understanding of customer concerns.

    • Knowledge Base: Based on the captured information within the flow, suggest to agents relevant articles or resources from your knowledge base that might address the customer's issue.

    • Suggested Answer: Utilize AI to analyze captured data and propose solutions or relevant articles related to the customer's problem. The answer will be added into the ticket CRM as an internal note, so that agents can copy, paste and amend it before sending it to the customer.

Nice to have: by using the feature 'Content recognition', you can request SnapCall to extract information from the video, or describe what the client uploaded using Flow.

The information can be then placed as an internal note inside a CRM ticket, or within a custom field defined in Zendesk. Get in touch with our Team using our email to learn more.

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