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How can I record a call?
Guillaume Chauviere avatar
Written by Guillaume Chauviere
Updated over 8 months ago

There are two ways to record a call:

  • Automatically: Automatic video call recording requires an Enterprise subscription. Enterprise users can request activation by contacting our Support team.

    By enabling the dedicated setting in your account. This will record only the audio portion of the call.

  • Manually: Agents can initiate a video recording manually from the call interface if two or more participants are on the same call.

To record a SnapCall, simply click on the Menu at the top right then click on “Record Call”. Only SnapCall users can record a call, and they can do that once joining them.

Once you have clicked on this button, the recording of the call will start. A small pop-up notification will advise both sides that the recording is in progress.

The end user will then receive a call recording notification. If guests want to avoid being recorded, they can leave the call or deactivate their webcam.

To end call recording, simply click again on the menu in the top right-hand corner, then on "Stop record".

Once a call is recorded, you will find it in the tab Call > Recording.

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